Blue Skies Entertainment
A Creative Film & TV Company with a unique blend of development, branding and digital media distribution
Branded Stories create High Concept Films. Blue Skies understands the value of Brands. In fact, we were part of the industry when BRANDING was created. All of our films in development are High Concept Films.
Included, you'll find merchandising, books, and other peripheral revenue streams.
Many of our films are positioned as a franchise.
High Concept Films

Stories capture and embrace the human spirit. We believe that films have a purpose in our lives. That purpose can ultimately inspire, encourage, or engage audiences. It takes a Creative Spirit and a vision for a true, heart-felt story to touch lives in a meaningful way. Our films challenge the film process to transform a great story into a purposeful experience for audiences.

Blue Skies Entertainment writes Business Plans for Feature films and Television shows. Items included are Executive Summaries, Pro Formas, Media Plans, Branding Plans and Production Plans.
Investors typically desire solid plans indicating a return on investment. These plans are used to secure financing to provide for production, branding, distribution and managing the venture for up to five years and beyond....as long as the project is profitable.
Our company knows how to handle projects to benefit all parties involved. We believe in straight-forward communication and fair business practices. Sound practical? Of course! We do business with WIN/WIN in

Film Project Credits
Executive team, Producer, Story, Co-Writer Screenplay

Spirit of Christmas
Producer, Story, Co-Writer Screenplay

Executive Team, Liaison for Production - Hollywood/ Washington DC production

Executive Producer, Producer, Director, Writer
Projects in Development

A Horse Story....
The true story of a woman's unusual journey to world fame with her thoroughbred horse ....
An inspirational story you will want to experience!

A Christmas Story.
A refreshing story of family values and the legacy that surpasses family heritage to connect the spirit within all of us.

An enlightening story of a surprising Presidential selection which changes the complexion of the way America politics operates. It becomes a unique family experience.

A Super Hero Story.
Born of this world but created by another. Vandiye is alone in his fight to protect the world. The Aggressors, destined to control all of mankind, threaten to take his strength. Only Vandiye has the power to endure the serum "Neveah" without destroying the very breath of life that created him.

Children of the Greys
A paranormal drama of the real life story of Bret Oldham, who is the victim of repeated alien abductions and his battle for the truth. He has proof that the Children of the Greys are living among us. The story will fascinate even the skeptics. As an abductee, his story is beyond "out of this world."
The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do. ~Anonymous